A Simple Formula for Mastering SEO the Easy Way

Trying to understand all the different facets and nuances of SEO is just about as difficult as trying to decipher an ancient language. There are hundreds of different factors that determine your ranking, and Google’s algorithms are shifting on almost a daily basis.

However, like with everything else in the marketing world, it is only 20 percent (or in our case about 1 percent) of the factors that lead to 80 percent of the results. If you can master this simple two-step formula, you can master SEO and increase the success and visibility of your content at an ungodly speed.

So what is this formula? Content + links to your website = Massive SEO Success. It’s that simple. Now, let’s break this formula down so that you can do SEO like a pro.

Step 1. Create great content.

In recent years, there have been many attempted coups in the internet marketing world. Every marketing factor and their third cousin have tried to remove content from the online throne and take the crown for themselves. And even though content might be beaten, bloodied and less powerful than he was in the days of old, he is still the king.

Content is the number one thing that you should focus on to improve the quality of your SEO. But what differentiates “good” content from “great” content, and how can you go about creating more of the latter? By focusing on these three things — relevance, quality and user experience.

The first thing you need to focus on to ensure your content ranks highly is relevancy. This is pretty straightforward. The content needs to be relevant to a specific query to rank for that query. Otherwise, you will have great content floating around in the deep ocean of the internet that no one will be able to fish out.

Once you have made sure your content is relevant to a search query, the next step is to ensure that the content is high quality….